Plymouth Socialable Aluminium Window Providers

Aluminium Windows Plymouth is one of the major aluminium window providers in the Plymouth. Their success through both offline leads and client referrals over the past years has allowed them to grow as a business. The company’s strong online presence was developed over the years, but was recently finding it hard to convert traffic into leads and sales.
Even though social media activity increased, customer engagement was at a low level. Aluminium Windows Plymouth felt stuck because of its poor sales conversions. They were not growing because money could not justifiably be spent on ads based on poor current results.
Their cost per lead and sale was too high to remain viable. Because their aluminium windows are built to last, they have few complaining customers. By getting in cheaper leads or scaling up conversion rates they would be able to grow and increase profit margins.
They reached out to Socialable in Plymouth to help with these challenges. When we took up the task, we started by studying their current strategy and how much of their milestones had been accomplished. Then we analyzed their online activity, looking at their website, search engine tactics, online marketing, and digital strategy among others.
We “listened” to Aluminium Windows Plymouth’s prospects and potential customers in order to analyze their buyer persona. We took great care in creating a comprehensive buyer persona for our clients before proceeding. Competitors were also carefully monitored by our team in both Plymouth and abroad. All these and more armed us with enough data to tackle the challenge.

Aluminium Window Company Web Design

After we analyzed their website, we discovered that the call-to-action wasn’t clear or well-placed. We also observed that their messaging did not properly communicate how their technical ability was ideal for customers. We agreed that the homepage of the website needed to be lead-orientated and that the website in general needed to be more responsive. Keeping in mind the buyer persona, we proceeded to make a simple and clearly-structured landing page.
We allowed for customers to learn about the right aluminium windows to suit their needs. Our simple but strong call-to-action was comforting for the customers because we showed past credentials that proved our client’s leadership in the industry. Two more unique selling propositions were created based on the buyer persona and the prospects our clients were hoping to attract. We were also able to use our best practices developed after spending hundreds of thousands of pounds over the years in making their digital marketing more effective. We used the A/B split testing method to test USP’s we created on different pages before opting for the best converting one.

Aluminum Window Company SEO

We designed a new search engine optimization strategy that used customer demographics to better target clients. Through research and analysis we were able to attract better prospects by creating the right long-tail keywords. The results from our analysis showed that the current keywords were not action-orientated and were attracting the wrong crowd. Apart from creating a plan that would target new keywords, we attached another landing page and call to action to the content that was already doing well on the search engines, with the aim of attracting those visitors and nurturing them with a new set of email campaign that took into consideration the stage the prospect were at, and to gradually get them to a stage where they are ready to buy.

Marketing for Aluminium Window Company

First we created a solid marketing plan for Aluminium Windows Plymouth. We ensured that their online marketing campaign was customer and Plymouth-focused by coordinating it so. We stepped up social media campaign with the aim of creating social engagement.
We focused on addressing customers’ needs and posting useful comments to achieve real engagement. We redesigned the campaign to improve pay per click marketing by making a new list of keywords to target based on our time-tested strategy. We sent this traffic to two different landing pages and “listened” to the way customers engaged and how much leads and calls each page generated. Thanks to our more robust engagement with customer on social media we were all able to create articles, videos, customer testimonials and more.

Promotion of Aluminium Window Company

We targeted highly qualified leads for Aluminium Windows Plymouth in Plymouth and ran digital promotion. The promotion consisted of search paid traffic, social media pay per click, and content marketing. We could run a sufficient Google PPC campaign right away after spending thousands of pounds creating paid search campaigns and developing a buyer persona. Social media engagement and profitable traffic from social media increased.
With our carefully selected content, we marketed it in such a way that is reached a wider audience in the Aluminium Windows Plymouth niche. It also put Aluminium Windows Plymouth in a much better position among competitors in the Plymouth area. We continually increase ROI and adapt to changes in order to keep optimizing the campaign. We wanted to make sure our client’s brand voice was as solid online as it was offline. We implemented several online branding techniques that ensured that our clients brand stood out in all our marketing campaign.

Plymouth Aluminium Window Services Lead Generation

We synchronized lead generation across multiple platforms for Aluminium Windows Plymouth. We reduced cost-per-lead by 79% and increased conversion by 81%. The amount of organic leads has been increased by 42% so far.
All of this meant that our client’s funnel is always full and the follow-up campaign we created is allowing our client sell more aluminium windows. In Plymouth, Aluminium Windows Plymouth is a company we helped make headway by producing high-quality leads at much lower costs, and helped to nurture those leads with an effective and simple marketing plan. Marketing performance can easily be boosted if you know how. You may just need a new perspective on your marketing campaign and ideas on how to strengthen it.

Contact us now –

Website address –
Contact – Catherine Moore
Company – Aluminium Windows Plymouth
Office Phone – 0800 772 0298
Business Email –

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