

What Are the World’s Biggest Franchises?

We come in to contact with franchises every day, no matter whether they are big or small. However, only a few companies make it to the top of the franchise ladder; creating long term success and a global brand name. Can you think of a franchise? It is highly likely that McDonald’s came to mind when thinking of the world’s

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How Can You Boost Productivity In The Office?

Are you suffering from a lack of motivation? “The work ethic is fading among millennials” states The Guardian. It is completely understandable that you may find yourself struggling to remain productive when you are in the same environment performing similar tasks for the majority of the week. However, you will be pleased to know that there are a variety of hacks

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The Best Project Management Tools for A Digital Marketer

As an SEO manager, I have always found that the biggest challenge is developing and facilitating the team processes required to complete the numerous tasks involved in content marketing, on page optimisation, outreach and link building. The skills required in each process are so different, and the processes themselves must be rigid in order to be manageable, measurable and consistent

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Impact Of The Internet

Since the birth of the internet, life has evolved dramatically on both a social and economic level. This has offered many businesses, including major corporate players, the chance to enhance their economic growth on a large scale. But for once, it isn’t just about the giants of industry, as the internet revolution has provided a platform for smaller businesses and

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Practical NLP Tips to Adopt On Your Website

NLP Anchoring is a relatively simple practice in web development. There are quick and easy ways to connect a stimulus with a certain emotional response, and as a concept it is reminiscent of the popular Pavlov’s experiment where the conditioning stimulus alone ultimately begins to elicit an auto response from the subject. As a stimulus that can induce various thoughts

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