How Growth-Driven Web Design Can Help Increase Your Sales and Conversion

Your website is one of your business’ most important assets. You can incorporate different techniques and practices to maximize the effects and benefits of your website to your company. One technique you can incorporate is the usage of growth-driven web design. This approach is used to produce a high performing website by boosting its potential when it comes to its design.

By incorporating this kind of strategy it will help you to adapt and analyze your website to fit with the needs of your customers without completely redesigning your website.

This article will explain to you how you can get better sales and conversion rate through growth-driven web design.

Why Should You Incorporate GDD?

Growth-driven web design, or simply GDD, has a lot of benefits, to begin with. First, it is quicker to launch than traditional web design. Along with this, GDD also has a more comprehensive website build than the traditional.

GDD allows you to gather data from your users quicker than normal. You can easily optimize your website faster, and you can identify what areas of your site that needs attention. Another benefit is that this design can let you base it around your customers. You can focus on the information and details they need and prioritize it in the space allocation of your site. With this, you can easily get new leads and more sales.

Lastly, it can keep you ahead of your competition because GDD is very flexible, making it easier to adapt. It makes you one step ahead of everyone and makes you in the trend with the latest innovations.

Sparks a Launch Pad

A launch pad is used in a growth-driven design to collect real user data. With this, users can interact with some features of the website, and it can be exchanged to real data and feedback to you to help in your web designing process. The launch pad is made to help improve your site continuously by finding what the weakest feature of your site is. Traditional web design does not use any other data but the web traffic only.

Launch pad features a wish list of items you would want to see on your site. You can put those items in your launch pad to know which are the highest of priorities and has high impacts.

It is Cost Efficient

Normal, traditional web design is very expensive, where it can raise to $100,000 just for a single revamp. Growth-driven web design is not a cheaper choice than a traditional one, but it is the smarter choice to put where all of your money for web design is going, especially if you are focusing on data-driven design.

You can see different data and reports on what should be changed or improved in your site, instead of revamping your site without any prior knowledge as to why you are changing it. You might still end up having the same problem even though you improved a single feature.

In contrast with GDD, it is backed-up by data. Everything you change has a rationale and proof on why you will alter it.

Saves Time and Effort

As said earlier, it is more cost-efficient than the traditional. It is also efficient regarding time and effort spent troubleshooting and upgrading it. It can be a big waste of time if you redesign your site a lot of instances when you do not have any data to be based on. GDD websites take only 60-90 days in redesigning and cleanup, which is faster than the traditional. Along with this, all redesign plans are based on real user data that came from the launch pad. It is a better choice than traditional web design because all improvements made are on point and you would not need to focus on the redesign; you can focus on other parts of your business.

Final Thoughts

Growth-driven web design is an evolving design strategy, so it is important for you to continue learning this process. You can do it by testing, which includes A/B testing or live testing to get more authentic and unique data from your users. Never stop in finding creative and fresh ways to find solutions to your problems in your sites. You can find the reason why but you need to think of creative ways to fix it.

Lastly, investigate to continue the learning process. Asking questions and testing on one device is not enough. Have the will and effort to investigate deeper.

GDD has fewer risks and really a data-driven practice in web design. It has a process that is very scrupulous, but it is always worth the effort. With this design, your site will always be unique and has high chances that your audience will be compelled, and can be converted to higher conversions, the main aim of growth-driven web design.

Author Bio: Jack Poyntz Studio (Web Design Derry) is a web design company and certified Shopify Experts. They are focused on delivering creative website solutions to help ambitious companies grow online. They embrace new challenges with a desire to help their clients achieve success.

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